Letter to the Editor: Nimbi Cushing


Micah 6:8. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

Pat Hackett, Democratic candidate for Congress, is a woman of strong and abiding faith. She doesn’t wear it as a badge of honor but lives it in the way she cares for people.

I went with her to the home of a sick friend recently, and watched as she spoke words of encouragement, not as a candidate, but as a friend. She has rearranged her campaign schedule to provide transportation, bring a meal or simply be present to someone in mourning.

She serves on community boards, including the YWCA and Community Foundation of St. Joseph County. “Dignity and Justice for All” isn’t a slogan. For Pat, it’s a concept born of the obligation to speak for those whose voices have been systemically silenced. A government that promised life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all citizens has turned its back on those with the gravest needs.

Pat Hackett’s study of theology and her relationship with God demands that she live by a code not defined by man.

What’s faith got to do with it? Everything.

Nimbilasha Cushing

South Bend