Pat spoke to a crowd of more than 200 women and allies who gathered at Howard Park in defense of women’s rights and to protest the current administration’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Pat’s address to the crowd was bold and decisive. She affirmed that we must not be silenced. We must speak up if our democracy is to survive. Pat warned against the patriarchal perspective that Judge Barrett will bring to the Supreme Court speaking about her judicial record and the actions Judge Barrett has taken that indicate her opposition to the Affordable Care Act, reproductive rights, and LGBTQ rights. Pat vowed to protect these rights as the next Congresswoman for IN02.
In stark contrast to the Women’s March where people were socially distanced and wearing masks, only a quarter of those gathered outside Walorski’s office were wearing masks. And here’s where the hypocrisy and lack of leadership from Jackie really trickles down. The chair of the St. Joseph County Republican Party handed out masks not for public safety but for political appearances. He was quoted by the Tribune saying to the women from the outside group, “TV will kill us” if we’re caught without wearing them.
The difference between leadership is real. The difference between Pat who believes in science, evidence, and reason versus Jackie who is a science denier is on the ballot Nov. 3rd.
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